Shrimp Cocktail Shrimp is the food which is the source of protein (8 calories), which can speed up metabolism and keep you satisfied for several hours. At other times when you want to eat out for dinner, start with an appetizer of shrimp cocktail Shrimp cocktail alias.
If you want to cook it at home, which used a very simple sauce. Simply mix 1 teaspoon of tomato sauce with 1 teaspoon of Tabasco (to make more varied taste, add lemon or add a little feeling spicy sauce)
Spicy Chicken Salad Adding a very spicy sauce that can make eating a slow tempo. So you will more quickly fill. For lunch that is simple, just prepare chicken salad. The trick, prepare 1 piece of chicken breast that has been diced, 1-2 teaspoons low-fat mayonnaise, hot sauce to the sense, and some vegetables into salads composition in the kitchen. Serve with some lettuce and a glass of white water course.
Pumpkin Pudding Custard cream has less calories than 150 calories and this can help you lose weight. Combine 180 ml non-fat vanilla yogurt with half cup fresh pumpkin that has been mashed or blended and a little cinnamon. Pumpkin will be mixed with yogurt (rich in protein and nutrients) and will produce large amounts of fiber. Mixture of protein and fiber in the stomach will make still full. So you do not need to chew food again for a few hours ahead.
Vegetable Soup Research has shown that eating a bowl of vegetable soup that is rich in fiber, can reduce 20% of total calories contained in the body. Soup can eliminate hunger and capable of filling quickly, so you can eat main meals with smaller portions.
Cucumber Salad, Tomato and Onion Try the classic version of the Mediterranean salad is low in calories. Prepare one cucumber, one tomato, and half a red onion. Then mix all the vegetables mentioned with Vinegarette (a mixture of oil and vinegar with mustard and garlic) or with vinegar, plus 1 teaspoon olive oil. This salad has the amount of calories less than 150 calories. This is because the high content of water in these salad ingredients. Examples of low calorie cucumber and topped as a food that is able to reduce weight.
Ginger green tea enjoy a cup of low-calorie tea to relieve stress after a long day. As a bonus, the study said, drinking green tea may speed up your metabolism. Mix your green tea with a piece of ginger for a flavor enhancer.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
memorization techniques
1. Memory Sport We need to know that the human brain as well as muscle. If the muscle does not diolahragakan, the muscles will be weak, but otherwise if diolahragakan going strong. So is the brain. The brain will be weak if not diolahragakan, and will be stronger if diolahragakan. So we need our brain mengolahragakan. One way to mengolahragakan our brain is through sports memory.
Step - step memory sport; 1. Setting up the place with the site system 2. Setting up word - a word that will be remembered 3. Save the word - the word is on a distinguished place assigned 4. Calling the word - the word which is stored by step -3
Allocation time-out to remember is 2 minutes. If you are able to recall 25 words in 2 minutes, then your concentration has increased. memory do this sport every day, then you will get amazing benefits
2. Site System Is a technique of storing information on a regular basis dg-be how to put the information we recall (memorize) in places - places that have been established how to create a site system; 1. The place should have been recognized by our distinguished 2. Places must be clearly verifiable 3. The place is divided into several areas 4. Places must be imagined
3. Relation Systems Is a technique to remember information dengang one way of connecting information with other information dengang action. Relation systems used to memorize the binary such as vocabulary, name of the country and its capital, the name of the river and province,
Examples of the use of action in relation system; Money coming into the fan Wheels hit the bucket Cats eat salad
Entered into, hit, and eating is the action. Action is a guide to interesting information there in front, so that the information is not forgotten front
4. Story System Is a technique to remember information on how to connect the information dg dg information other one into a story
Example; Bird - clothes - clouds - Pepsi - the mountain - a rabbit - a gun - a crocodile - trees - crater
How to memorize; Imagine! Birds dressed and then fly to the clouds fly drink pepsi again to the mountain met a rabbit who brings a gun to shoot the alligator who sleep under the trees near the crater
5. Mnemonic Is a technique to memorize which are abstract in a way to change the word abstract into concrete objects which can be imagined Mnemonic divided into 2, namely; 1. The system description is a technique to memorize the information which describes how an abstract dg tsbt word abstract into something concrete. to describe it could dg activities, something like people, food, etc..
2. Sound system of equations, is a technique to memorize the information based on sound equation
Step - step memory sport; 1. Setting up the place with the site system 2. Setting up word - a word that will be remembered 3. Save the word - the word is on a distinguished place assigned 4. Calling the word - the word which is stored by step -3
Allocation time-out to remember is 2 minutes. If you are able to recall 25 words in 2 minutes, then your concentration has increased. memory do this sport every day, then you will get amazing benefits
2. Site System Is a technique of storing information on a regular basis dg-be how to put the information we recall (memorize) in places - places that have been established how to create a site system; 1. The place should have been recognized by our distinguished 2. Places must be clearly verifiable 3. The place is divided into several areas 4. Places must be imagined
3. Relation Systems Is a technique to remember information dengang one way of connecting information with other information dengang action. Relation systems used to memorize the binary such as vocabulary, name of the country and its capital, the name of the river and province,
Examples of the use of action in relation system; Money coming into the fan Wheels hit the bucket Cats eat salad
Entered into, hit, and eating is the action. Action is a guide to interesting information there in front, so that the information is not forgotten front
4. Story System Is a technique to remember information on how to connect the information dg dg information other one into a story
Example; Bird - clothes - clouds - Pepsi - the mountain - a rabbit - a gun - a crocodile - trees - crater
How to memorize; Imagine! Birds dressed and then fly to the clouds fly drink pepsi again to the mountain met a rabbit who brings a gun to shoot the alligator who sleep under the trees near the crater
5. Mnemonic Is a technique to memorize which are abstract in a way to change the word abstract into concrete objects which can be imagined Mnemonic divided into 2, namely; 1. The system description is a technique to memorize the information which describes how an abstract dg tsbt word abstract into something concrete. to describe it could dg activities, something like people, food, etc..
2. Sound system of equations, is a technique to memorize the information based on sound equation
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
interesting facts about chewing gum
Chewing gum is a very popular food community. Chewing gum comes from American, made from tree sap or resin which added a solution of sugar glycerin, peppermint and other ingredients, then stirred and pressed.
Well, let's analyze the benefits and disadvantages of chewing gum.
Benefits of chewing gum:1. Freshen bad breath, especially for those who like strong flavored foods like onions and garlic. Chewing gum is very effective to neutralize the odor.
2. Chewing gum can be firmly attached, so it can clean up leftover food to the tooth surface. Often chewed to increase saliva production which can cleanse the oral cavity and teeth better, so the risk of the formation of dental plaques can be reduced.
3. When chewing gum, oral cavity repeatedly biting movement, this blood flow in the face, and also train the muscles for chewing and biting.
The results of an expert on American, chewing gum for 15 minutes every day can be beneficial to beauty.
Loss of chewing gum1. At the time of chewing gum, sugar remains in the oral cavity in a long time, then the bacteria in the oral cavity will convert sugar into acid that will break down calcium teeth (tooth enamel) causing damage to the tooth.
Experts recommend choosing xylitol chewing gum as a substitute for sugar, because xylitol has the flavor and nutritional value similar to sugar, but can not be fermented into acids that is safe for teeth.
2. Results of research at the Swiss show, often chewing gum can damage tooth fillings materials. Therefore, for someone who uses dental fillings with mercury materials should not chew gum.
Since chewing gum can parse these mercury compounds, which can increase the amount of mercury content in blood and urine. Excess substance may owe a negative influence on the brain, central nervous system and kidneys.
3. The children who chewed gum for a long time, are likely to have a habit of gnashing teeth during sleep because the muscles of the mouth in a state of tension, which can affect the quality of their sleep.
The experts recommend that children do not chew gum more than 3-4 times a day and not exceed 10-15 minutes.
4. Often chew gum for adolescents can be risky to have a rectangular face shape, because the jaw muscles may be too well trained so that very fast growth.
Well, let's analyze the benefits and disadvantages of chewing gum.
Benefits of chewing gum:1. Freshen bad breath, especially for those who like strong flavored foods like onions and garlic. Chewing gum is very effective to neutralize the odor.
2. Chewing gum can be firmly attached, so it can clean up leftover food to the tooth surface. Often chewed to increase saliva production which can cleanse the oral cavity and teeth better, so the risk of the formation of dental plaques can be reduced.
3. When chewing gum, oral cavity repeatedly biting movement, this blood flow in the face, and also train the muscles for chewing and biting.
The results of an expert on American, chewing gum for 15 minutes every day can be beneficial to beauty.
Loss of chewing gum1. At the time of chewing gum, sugar remains in the oral cavity in a long time, then the bacteria in the oral cavity will convert sugar into acid that will break down calcium teeth (tooth enamel) causing damage to the tooth.
Experts recommend choosing xylitol chewing gum as a substitute for sugar, because xylitol has the flavor and nutritional value similar to sugar, but can not be fermented into acids that is safe for teeth.
2. Results of research at the Swiss show, often chewing gum can damage tooth fillings materials. Therefore, for someone who uses dental fillings with mercury materials should not chew gum.
Since chewing gum can parse these mercury compounds, which can increase the amount of mercury content in blood and urine. Excess substance may owe a negative influence on the brain, central nervous system and kidneys.
3. The children who chewed gum for a long time, are likely to have a habit of gnashing teeth during sleep because the muscles of the mouth in a state of tension, which can affect the quality of their sleep.
The experts recommend that children do not chew gum more than 3-4 times a day and not exceed 10-15 minutes.
4. Often chew gum for adolescents can be risky to have a rectangular face shape, because the jaw muscles may be too well trained so that very fast growth.
10 tips to study properly
1. Learning is understood not merely memorizeYes, the main function of why we must learn is to understand new things. We should remember them 100% all the details of lessons, but more important is whether we have understood very well with all the material memorized it. So before memorizing, always try to understand first outline the subject matter.
2. Reading is the key learningSo we can understand, at least read the new material twice a day, ie before and after the material is explained by the teacher. Because the brain has to process as much as three times the material can be guaranteed to be stored long enough in our brain.
3. Noting the main points of lessonLeave a note long lesson. Take the gist or conclusion of each lesson that has been read back. These key words that will be useful when we repeat the lesson during the exam.
4. Remember the key wordsSometimes, like it or not we have to memorize the lesson which is quite a lot. Actually this is disiasati. Make the key words from each hapalan, so easy to remember at the time of our brain called him. For example, the keyword for the names of the colors of the rainbow is MEJIKUHIBINIU, meaning red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
5. Select the appropriate study timeTime to learn the most delicious is the saaat our bodies are still fresh. Indeed, not all people have the time to learn the same bad lo. But usually, the morning is the perfect time to concentrate fully. Use this time to process new materials. The remnants of energy can be used to repeat the lessons and doing homework.
6. Build a comfortable learning atmosphereMany things can create an atmosphere of learning to be comfortable. We can select the songs to suit our mood. Places we can also learn to adjust. If you're bored in the room could be on the terrace or in the library. The key lest we interfere with learning activities and disturbed by the other party.
7. Form Study GroupsThen again bored studying alone, can learn together with friends. Never mind a lot since it will not be effective, a maximum of five people. Create a division of the material to be learned each person. Then each person take turns explaining the material under their control to all other members. Learning atmosphere like this are usually exciting and we are guaranteed going to be hard to get sleepy.
8. Train our own capabilitiesActually we can train our own brainpower. At the end of each chapter lesson, it is usually always given practice questions. No need to wait for instructions from the teacher, try to answer all these questions and check the extent of our ability. If the material is not the answer in the book, try to ask the teacher.
9. Develop material that has been studiedIf we have to repeat the material and answer all the practice questions, do not immediately close the book. Try our critical-thinking style of scientists. Make some questions that have not been included in the practice questions. Ask the teacher to answer. If not satisfied, find the answer in other reference books or the Internet. This method invites us to always think ahead and critical.
10. Take time to restLearning to be tight, but do not forget to rest. If in class, every lesson to use to loosen the gap body and mind. Every 30-45 minutes of study time at home we are always interspersed with breaks. If the mind is too late, it's useless to impose themselves. After the break, a fresh body and brain are ready to accept new material.
One again, the purpose of tests and examinations is to measure the extent of our ability to understand the subject matter in school. Besides answering practice questions, there are other ways to test whether we have understood the material or not. Let us explain with words alone any material that has been studied. If we can explain clearly and regularly, unnecessary detail, means we already understand.
2. Reading is the key learningSo we can understand, at least read the new material twice a day, ie before and after the material is explained by the teacher. Because the brain has to process as much as three times the material can be guaranteed to be stored long enough in our brain.
3. Noting the main points of lessonLeave a note long lesson. Take the gist or conclusion of each lesson that has been read back. These key words that will be useful when we repeat the lesson during the exam.
4. Remember the key wordsSometimes, like it or not we have to memorize the lesson which is quite a lot. Actually this is disiasati. Make the key words from each hapalan, so easy to remember at the time of our brain called him. For example, the keyword for the names of the colors of the rainbow is MEJIKUHIBINIU, meaning red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
5. Select the appropriate study timeTime to learn the most delicious is the saaat our bodies are still fresh. Indeed, not all people have the time to learn the same bad lo. But usually, the morning is the perfect time to concentrate fully. Use this time to process new materials. The remnants of energy can be used to repeat the lessons and doing homework.
6. Build a comfortable learning atmosphereMany things can create an atmosphere of learning to be comfortable. We can select the songs to suit our mood. Places we can also learn to adjust. If you're bored in the room could be on the terrace or in the library. The key lest we interfere with learning activities and disturbed by the other party.
7. Form Study GroupsThen again bored studying alone, can learn together with friends. Never mind a lot since it will not be effective, a maximum of five people. Create a division of the material to be learned each person. Then each person take turns explaining the material under their control to all other members. Learning atmosphere like this are usually exciting and we are guaranteed going to be hard to get sleepy.
8. Train our own capabilitiesActually we can train our own brainpower. At the end of each chapter lesson, it is usually always given practice questions. No need to wait for instructions from the teacher, try to answer all these questions and check the extent of our ability. If the material is not the answer in the book, try to ask the teacher.
9. Develop material that has been studiedIf we have to repeat the material and answer all the practice questions, do not immediately close the book. Try our critical-thinking style of scientists. Make some questions that have not been included in the practice questions. Ask the teacher to answer. If not satisfied, find the answer in other reference books or the Internet. This method invites us to always think ahead and critical.
10. Take time to restLearning to be tight, but do not forget to rest. If in class, every lesson to use to loosen the gap body and mind. Every 30-45 minutes of study time at home we are always interspersed with breaks. If the mind is too late, it's useless to impose themselves. After the break, a fresh body and brain are ready to accept new material.
One again, the purpose of tests and examinations is to measure the extent of our ability to understand the subject matter in school. Besides answering practice questions, there are other ways to test whether we have understood the material or not. Let us explain with words alone any material that has been studied. If we can explain clearly and regularly, unnecessary detail, means we already understand.
efficient holiday tips
Vacation is perhaps the moment where we can gather together as a family, the holidays can also be enjoyed by going to a beautiful place and have an atmosphere that supports us to forget about work or school activities and school, well below there are 10 frugal holiday tips
1. To be sure, prepare far in advance if you are planning a long vacation out of town let alone abroad. Longer preparation time would be better. Set aside for auto debit of your monthly income during the period, adjusted for the amount of funds needed.
2. Usually take a holiday package tours provided by travel can be cheaper. But if you want to travel alone, know the ins and outs of the first vacation destination. The cost of transportation, accommodation, recreation and dining and not behind places to shop, become important points to note.
3. For the cost of transportation and accommodation, it is good if you can get a promotional package. Even if there is, the home of relatives or the local population and individual-owned apartments can be used as a place to stay. You can save quite a lot, considering both of these is the greatest cost.
4. Careful in choosing a place of recreation. Find attractions that are truly unique and nice and is a hallmark of the place. Avoid going to the tourist sites of unnecessary and costly.
5. Just as a place of recreation, looking for places to eat / restaurants should be prepared in accordance with the budget. It's better if you choose a place not far from the place of stay or the last place you're visiting. Besides saving time, saving costs as well.
6. Popular shopping places that are not generally cheaper than a crowded shopping tourists. Hunting for souvenirs and handicrafts to traditional markets and even directly to the place of manufacture / manufacturer can save you money.
7. Do not forget, always carry supplies such as bread and drink water in the bag. In addition to healthier, you also avoid unnecessary spending. 8. Bring your pocket money in accordance with the budget. And still record all your expenses during the journey from beginning to end.
9. If you and your family have the flexibility of time, consider traveling during "low season". You can get interesting and cheap offers that can not be found on the "high season".
10. If your budget is currently not possible to travel far, vacation in the city can be a choice that is no less interesting. Many alternative vacation spot that is instructive for children, especially in Jakarta and surrounding areas. Even your house can be a fun vacation spot for families. Make events / activities that it had never been done at the family home. What is important, think creatively and feel happy to be the key to be able to enjoy the holidays.
10 reasons the medieval better than now
The darkness was not the dark Ages - the time was, in fact, a good time to live. Here, we see the ten differences between then and now that (subjective of course) better than this era.
10. Low Taxes
UK tax rates in the Middle Ages many varied, depending on the King and what happens in society.
The amount of tax is rarely above 15% but more often sebsar 10%. For most people this time almost one-third or half of the income tax adaalah dibayar.Pajak to support the military and the King, and even in wartime taxes is never excessive.
Taxes are usually paid based on the amount of land owned by you, so people like slaves are often exempt from national tax and paid, instead, the tithe in the form of (usually) of wheat to their landlords.
9. Lifestyle
However, regardless of which class you have, you will live a better lifestyle. By "better" I mean a healthier and easier. If you are noble you will not do the job every day in your life. You will eat delicious food all the time, and will have many activities to keep you busy.
On the other hand, if you are a worker, you will work in your field during the months of summer and laze around during the winter months to wait and enjoy your harvest (after tax you pay for your land owner).
the only real requirement as a worker is that you pay your tithes harvest (usually in wheat) and do some other odd jobs, but, apart from that, you can do whatever you want with your land, and landowners must ensure the protection of criminals and provide for your groceries at the time of famine.
Some workers become very rich through the wise use of their land.
8. Crime
Medieval serial killer to know about 5. Most of you will be able to name three of them: Elizabeth Bathory, Gilled de Rais and Sawney Bean (which may not exist at all).
Now try to name a serial killer of modern times who you know. certainly very banyak.Ada certainly a lot of killings in the Middle Ages, but the average person likely to be victims of homicide rates.
The killer was tried and executed, and those who committed minor crimes are usually humiliated in public or be fined.
The stories we hear from the hands of those who cut his hand for stealing is usually from Eastern countries, or that during the early years of the Middle Ages, when Europeans build itself into a formation that usually we know today.
7. No builders lobby
Unlike most of our country at this time, no lobbyists, and government (largely controlled by the King) is not vulnerable to supply the policy each year.
In our system when we can expect to see a fairly drastic change in the law where we live every few years - in the middle ages you have the same law (with some exceptions) for most of your life.
Life under the King of the wise is very good for law-abiding citizen, and you know that if the King is old, sick, or no more war, tomorrow will be like today.
This stability is something most of us have never known, so it cans be hard to appreciate how much better Than it was the which the present systems have given rise to all manner of bizarre ideas Such as the Fart tax.
This stability is something that is not realized keunggulannnya, so it will be difficult to appreciate how much better system that era than the present system which has led to various kinds of strange ideas like fart tax.
6. Money is Really Money
Since the end of the gold standard, money was more a concept than kenyataan.Pada Middle Ages, money is money. If you have gold, you have the gold. the current monetary system largely controlled by the International Monetary Fund, and the ability of a nation to print money on demand has led to devaluation of many currencies.
The old adage says money does not grow on trees - but, unfortunately, modern governments do not know that. Food prices are relatively constant (with the exception of during the famine and during the price revolution), and those who do not have to spend half their income pay off debt for things that are not necessary.
In fact, the community took a bad turn in the revival of the so-called, dirty campaign against medieval feudal system in order to get support for a new capital-based system.
Economy based on production is replaced by an economy based on how much gold the King released to the public.
Here is an excerpt from Life Inc.: How corporatism Conquered the World, and How We Can Bring Back. "Land is no longer something that makes the farmers to grow something, the land becomes an investment, the land becomes an asset for the rich.
Once it becomes more valuable asset as they began to divide and mengkaplingnya, which means people are not allowed to plant something in aatasnya, so that subsistence agriculture is no longer a viable lifestyle.
If you can not do subsistence farming you have to find a job, so you go into town to do work that does not require special skills such as in the factory at a price as cheap as possible.
Then you move your entire family to a location close to work, into poverty, where crowded conditions and poor - a perfect breeding ground for disease and death "!
and to the point of reference, the average wage in the mid 1400s is about 6 cents per day - the equivalent of 130 pounds a day in modern times - compared to the average current in England about 96 pounds per day.
5. Living With Longevity and Makmur
People in the Middle Ages it (on average) prosperous. And, contrary to popular belief, they also live longer! In general, people in the Middle Ages who reach age 21 will live only one or two years below the average life expectancy of people today (mid-late sixties.)
Where the idea dead in thirty came from, I do not know, but this myth has given birth to countless other people, such as "facts" people should get married in the early years of their youth because they will die before age panjang.angka infant mortality is higher than today, but, generally, people in the Middle Ages did not have access to medical knowledge as we have now.
And, despite the high mortality rate, most families have children with no planned as a family now, which could potentially lead to reduction in human population, as is already happening in some countries.
As countries of Italy and Russia (as opposed to strange and misunderstandings that the earth is overpopulated). Out of this trend, here is a list of small states is currently in decline in population: Russia, including Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, Hungary, and Italy.
And here are the nations that will experience a decrease in: Greece, Spain, Cuba, Uruguay, Denmark, Finland, Austria and Lesotho.
4. Beauty
While many people like modern art, many do not. But most appreciate the beauty of traditional art. In the Middle Ages in the West almost everyone has access to at least one or two items of beauty.
Is it a statue, or image in a church or a beautiful tapestry made by members of the family - life is not to be as gray and dull.
Tapestry is a popular pastime in the Middle Ages, and survival of many of their works of art teach us much about history (Bayeux tapestry became the most famous example).
And, even if you do not have access to a rug or a painting, you can see some amazing artwork in the vestments worn by priests at Mass every day, usually of woven material with the addition of gold thread.
3 Knights and Girl - Girl
I am pretty sure that nobody will agree with ini.Siapa entries that do not want to live as a knight?
You can kill the enemy in battle, wearing armor and riding a big war - and when you are on the break you can protect the girl-gadia of distress, and if we are to believe the story book, there are many of those who go wandering!
Knights only duty or serve 40 days a year to their lord - after that they will spend their days in the tournament (the battle in the beginning is very dangerous, but then more like games and competitions).
A young man will begin training early knight abilities and will become a full fledged knight between the ages of 16 and 20.
2. Healthy Food
No genetically engineered foods, no chemicals, no intensive farming, need not be labeled "organic".
These are just four of many reasons that medieval food better than what we have today. But, perhaps most importantly, there is no food that tastes as if furnished would be exaggerated because it looks, in order to make it look appealing to the mass of supermarket shopping.
And, contrary to popular belief, people in medieval eating very well. Here is what the BBC said: "The average farmer medieval times, however, willing to eat almost two slices of bread every day, and 8 oz of meat or fish, the average size of a steak.
This will be accompanied by a number of vegetables, including beans, radishes and carrots, and three pints of beer "That's the equivalent of about 3,500 up to 4,000 calories per day (when the average person ate 2700 calories today) ..
1. Many Jobs
Middle Ages do not really have a problem of unemployment as it is today. If you are a worker, you cultivate tanah.Jika you're in the middle class that is not mentioned by name, you run a shop or work for God.
If you are a class above, you have hunting fun to do.In big cities, the cathedral was built much so that most men could work in his capacity. If you really can not work, usually because you are sick or have disabilities. The people who can not work it was guarded by nuns and monks voluntarily - or with their own families if they have sufficient funds to do it
10. Low Taxes
UK tax rates in the Middle Ages many varied, depending on the King and what happens in society.
The amount of tax is rarely above 15% but more often sebsar 10%. For most people this time almost one-third or half of the income tax adaalah dibayar.Pajak to support the military and the King, and even in wartime taxes is never excessive.
Taxes are usually paid based on the amount of land owned by you, so people like slaves are often exempt from national tax and paid, instead, the tithe in the form of (usually) of wheat to their landlords.
9. Lifestyle
However, regardless of which class you have, you will live a better lifestyle. By "better" I mean a healthier and easier. If you are noble you will not do the job every day in your life. You will eat delicious food all the time, and will have many activities to keep you busy.
On the other hand, if you are a worker, you will work in your field during the months of summer and laze around during the winter months to wait and enjoy your harvest (after tax you pay for your land owner).
the only real requirement as a worker is that you pay your tithes harvest (usually in wheat) and do some other odd jobs, but, apart from that, you can do whatever you want with your land, and landowners must ensure the protection of criminals and provide for your groceries at the time of famine.
Some workers become very rich through the wise use of their land.
8. Crime
Medieval serial killer to know about 5. Most of you will be able to name three of them: Elizabeth Bathory, Gilled de Rais and Sawney Bean (which may not exist at all).
Now try to name a serial killer of modern times who you know. certainly very banyak.Ada certainly a lot of killings in the Middle Ages, but the average person likely to be victims of homicide rates.
The killer was tried and executed, and those who committed minor crimes are usually humiliated in public or be fined.
The stories we hear from the hands of those who cut his hand for stealing is usually from Eastern countries, or that during the early years of the Middle Ages, when Europeans build itself into a formation that usually we know today.
7. No builders lobby
Unlike most of our country at this time, no lobbyists, and government (largely controlled by the King) is not vulnerable to supply the policy each year.
In our system when we can expect to see a fairly drastic change in the law where we live every few years - in the middle ages you have the same law (with some exceptions) for most of your life.
Life under the King of the wise is very good for law-abiding citizen, and you know that if the King is old, sick, or no more war, tomorrow will be like today.
This stability is something most of us have never known, so it cans be hard to appreciate how much better Than it was the which the present systems have given rise to all manner of bizarre ideas Such as the Fart tax.
This stability is something that is not realized keunggulannnya, so it will be difficult to appreciate how much better system that era than the present system which has led to various kinds of strange ideas like fart tax.
6. Money is Really Money
Since the end of the gold standard, money was more a concept than kenyataan.Pada Middle Ages, money is money. If you have gold, you have the gold. the current monetary system largely controlled by the International Monetary Fund, and the ability of a nation to print money on demand has led to devaluation of many currencies.
The old adage says money does not grow on trees - but, unfortunately, modern governments do not know that. Food prices are relatively constant (with the exception of during the famine and during the price revolution), and those who do not have to spend half their income pay off debt for things that are not necessary.
In fact, the community took a bad turn in the revival of the so-called, dirty campaign against medieval feudal system in order to get support for a new capital-based system.
Economy based on production is replaced by an economy based on how much gold the King released to the public.
Here is an excerpt from Life Inc.: How corporatism Conquered the World, and How We Can Bring Back. "Land is no longer something that makes the farmers to grow something, the land becomes an investment, the land becomes an asset for the rich.
Once it becomes more valuable asset as they began to divide and mengkaplingnya, which means people are not allowed to plant something in aatasnya, so that subsistence agriculture is no longer a viable lifestyle.
If you can not do subsistence farming you have to find a job, so you go into town to do work that does not require special skills such as in the factory at a price as cheap as possible.
Then you move your entire family to a location close to work, into poverty, where crowded conditions and poor - a perfect breeding ground for disease and death "!
and to the point of reference, the average wage in the mid 1400s is about 6 cents per day - the equivalent of 130 pounds a day in modern times - compared to the average current in England about 96 pounds per day.
5. Living With Longevity and Makmur
People in the Middle Ages it (on average) prosperous. And, contrary to popular belief, they also live longer! In general, people in the Middle Ages who reach age 21 will live only one or two years below the average life expectancy of people today (mid-late sixties.)
Where the idea dead in thirty came from, I do not know, but this myth has given birth to countless other people, such as "facts" people should get married in the early years of their youth because they will die before age panjang.angka infant mortality is higher than today, but, generally, people in the Middle Ages did not have access to medical knowledge as we have now.
And, despite the high mortality rate, most families have children with no planned as a family now, which could potentially lead to reduction in human population, as is already happening in some countries.
As countries of Italy and Russia (as opposed to strange and misunderstandings that the earth is overpopulated). Out of this trend, here is a list of small states is currently in decline in population: Russia, including Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Germany, Hungary, and Italy.
And here are the nations that will experience a decrease in: Greece, Spain, Cuba, Uruguay, Denmark, Finland, Austria and Lesotho.
4. Beauty
While many people like modern art, many do not. But most appreciate the beauty of traditional art. In the Middle Ages in the West almost everyone has access to at least one or two items of beauty.
Is it a statue, or image in a church or a beautiful tapestry made by members of the family - life is not to be as gray and dull.
Tapestry is a popular pastime in the Middle Ages, and survival of many of their works of art teach us much about history (Bayeux tapestry became the most famous example).
And, even if you do not have access to a rug or a painting, you can see some amazing artwork in the vestments worn by priests at Mass every day, usually of woven material with the addition of gold thread.
3 Knights and Girl - Girl
I am pretty sure that nobody will agree with ini.Siapa entries that do not want to live as a knight?
You can kill the enemy in battle, wearing armor and riding a big war - and when you are on the break you can protect the girl-gadia of distress, and if we are to believe the story book, there are many of those who go wandering!
Knights only duty or serve 40 days a year to their lord - after that they will spend their days in the tournament (the battle in the beginning is very dangerous, but then more like games and competitions).
A young man will begin training early knight abilities and will become a full fledged knight between the ages of 16 and 20.
2. Healthy Food
No genetically engineered foods, no chemicals, no intensive farming, need not be labeled "organic".
These are just four of many reasons that medieval food better than what we have today. But, perhaps most importantly, there is no food that tastes as if furnished would be exaggerated because it looks, in order to make it look appealing to the mass of supermarket shopping.
And, contrary to popular belief, people in medieval eating very well. Here is what the BBC said: "The average farmer medieval times, however, willing to eat almost two slices of bread every day, and 8 oz of meat or fish, the average size of a steak.
This will be accompanied by a number of vegetables, including beans, radishes and carrots, and three pints of beer "That's the equivalent of about 3,500 up to 4,000 calories per day (when the average person ate 2700 calories today) ..
1. Many Jobs
Middle Ages do not really have a problem of unemployment as it is today. If you are a worker, you cultivate tanah.Jika you're in the middle class that is not mentioned by name, you run a shop or work for God.
If you are a class above, you have hunting fun to do.In big cities, the cathedral was built much so that most men could work in his capacity. If you really can not work, usually because you are sick or have disabilities. The people who can not work it was guarded by nuns and monks voluntarily - or with their own families if they have sufficient funds to do it
mystery of the ancient building
Since the discovery by archaeologists in 1962, 28 feet tall stone tower found at the corner of the city of Jericho has been a puzzle for scientists. At present, 11,000 years after the tower was built, the ancient archaeological site of Tel Jericho uncover new facts about the building "skyscraper" first in the world.
Advanced computer-based research by doctoral students and Dr. Roy Liran Ran Barkai of the Department of Archaeology Jacob M. Alkow Tel Aviv University and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures at the School of humanity Lester and Sally uncover who built the tower was 28 feet - and why it was built?
The researchers noted that this is the first human being to uphold the high buildings like that, before the transition to agriculture and food production in the area. Liran and Dr. Barker is currently so confident that the tower, it takes ten years to build it is an indication of the power struggle in the early Neolithic period, and a person or a particular community has long exploited the fear of ancient Jericho residents to persuade them to immediately build a tower. Regarding the disclosure of new research on this ancient tower also published in the journal Antiquity.
"In our recent article published stating a new and exciting discovery," said Liran and Dr.barkai in a statement. "There is something linked to the position of the tower at the corner of the village of Jericho, and the shadows that surround the site when the sun sets on the longest day in a year."
Ladder (and towers) to Heaven"Reconstruction sunset reveals to us that the shadow of the hill at sunset on the longest day this year falls right at the tower of Jericho, covering the tower and cover the whole village.
"For this reason, we suspect that the tower is used as a temporal element that connects the site population with hills around them and the heavenly elements where the sun sets."
"It is when the hierarchy and kepepimpinan began to be built," said Dr. Barkai as quoted by the Jerusalem Post. "We believe that this tower is one mechanism to motivate the people in a communal lifestyle."
Dismantling old theoriesSome researchers have claimed that the tower and the wall consists of a system of fortresses and defenses against flooding. Yet others claimed that the towers and walls as a geographical marker, defines the region early residents of Jericho, and a symbol of wealth and power of the ancient village.
In an article in 2008, researchers from the University of Tel Aviv, said that the towers and walls of Jericho should be seen as a marker of cosmological, connecting the ancient village of Jericho to the nearby Mount Qarantal and sunset on the day that extends the year. That's their new hypothesis.
This idea is based on the fact that the axis level in the tower ladder was built at right angles to the sun setting on the longest day of the year behind the highest peak overlooking Jericho, Mount Qarantal. They believed that it was the first skyscraper of mankind, however small, and also the first public building in the world.
Advanced computer-based research by doctoral students and Dr. Roy Liran Ran Barkai of the Department of Archaeology Jacob M. Alkow Tel Aviv University and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures at the School of humanity Lester and Sally uncover who built the tower was 28 feet - and why it was built?
The researchers noted that this is the first human being to uphold the high buildings like that, before the transition to agriculture and food production in the area. Liran and Dr. Barker is currently so confident that the tower, it takes ten years to build it is an indication of the power struggle in the early Neolithic period, and a person or a particular community has long exploited the fear of ancient Jericho residents to persuade them to immediately build a tower. Regarding the disclosure of new research on this ancient tower also published in the journal Antiquity.
"In our recent article published stating a new and exciting discovery," said Liran and Dr.barkai in a statement. "There is something linked to the position of the tower at the corner of the village of Jericho, and the shadows that surround the site when the sun sets on the longest day in a year."
Ladder (and towers) to Heaven"Reconstruction sunset reveals to us that the shadow of the hill at sunset on the longest day this year falls right at the tower of Jericho, covering the tower and cover the whole village.
"For this reason, we suspect that the tower is used as a temporal element that connects the site population with hills around them and the heavenly elements where the sun sets."
"It is when the hierarchy and kepepimpinan began to be built," said Dr. Barkai as quoted by the Jerusalem Post. "We believe that this tower is one mechanism to motivate the people in a communal lifestyle."
Dismantling old theoriesSome researchers have claimed that the tower and the wall consists of a system of fortresses and defenses against flooding. Yet others claimed that the towers and walls as a geographical marker, defines the region early residents of Jericho, and a symbol of wealth and power of the ancient village.
In an article in 2008, researchers from the University of Tel Aviv, said that the towers and walls of Jericho should be seen as a marker of cosmological, connecting the ancient village of Jericho to the nearby Mount Qarantal and sunset on the day that extends the year. That's their new hypothesis.
This idea is based on the fact that the axis level in the tower ladder was built at right angles to the sun setting on the longest day of the year behind the highest peak overlooking Jericho, Mount Qarantal. They believed that it was the first skyscraper of mankind, however small, and also the first public building in the world.
facts about the brain
Scientists revealed that the human brain functions much like the Internet or a network of friends. In addition, scientists also found that the human brain is like a complex interaction network.
Scientists using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to study the human brain activity and determine the difference in every part of the brain are connected. The researchers conclude, the human brain can be visualized as jarigan complex interactions that depend on the called node to efficiently carry information.
The study found, "Property 'small world' is enable efficient connectivity," said Dante Chialvo psychologists from Northwestern University.
Other networks, social and biochemistry, was known to also depend on similar principles.
After measuring the degree of correlation between the activity of tens of thousands of areas of the brain, scientists are finding, many nodes have few connections. In addition, scientists also found, only a few nodes connected to one another.
'Connections super' node is acting as a liaison as the Internet to disseminate information. So, "If you can understand the workings of the Internet, you can understand the workings of the brain," Chialvo said.
Scientifically, the findings of the basic principles of brain function is indicated, "the fundamental properties of the brain can be understood through the network."
The results of this research is expected to help research on schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and other chronic illness. The results of this research was published in the journal Physical Review Letters.
habits that can damage the brain
The brain is a vital organ which is the controlling center of the central nervous system. Brain organize and coordinated most of the movement, behavior and homeostatic body functions such as heartbeat, blood pressure, body fluid balance and body temperature.
The brain is also responsible for functions such as recognition, emotion. memory, motor learning and all other forms of learning. It is indeed a very complex task and many. So, avoid bad habits under 10 if you still want your brain to work properly.
1. No breakfast Those who traditionally do not eat breakfast have lower blood sugar levels. As a result supply of nutrients to the brain becomes less. The brain also needs "to eat" in order to work optimally.
2. Eat too much Too much to eat, let alone a high-fat, can lead to hardening of blood vessels in the brain because of accumulation of fat in the blood vessel wall. As a result the ability of the brain will decrease.
3. Smoke Toxic chemicals in cigarettes are inhaled, such as carbon monoxide, will hinder the ability of blood to carry oxygen throughout the body including the brain, causing rapid shrinkage of the brain. Nicotine also may reduce levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and raise levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in blood. Consequently, disrupted transport fat to clog blood vessels and block the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Smoking also can lead to Alzheimer's disease.
4. Consuming too much sugar Consumption of too much sugar can also cause disruption of the absorption of proteins and nutrients. As a result, nutritional imbalances that would interfere with brain development
5. Inhaling polluted air The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain so it can reduce the efficiency or power of the brain.
6. Sleep deprivation The brain needs sleep as a time to rest and recover her abilities. Lack of sleep for a long time will accelerate the damage to brain cells.
7. Head covered while sleeping The habit of sleeping with closed head can increase the concentration of carbon dioxide resulting in lower oxygen process that can lead to brain damaging effects.
8. Less stimulate the mind Thinking is the best way to train our brain. Lack of stimulation in the brain can reduce working capacity of nerve cells, causing brain mengkerutnya brain.
9. rarely communicates Communication is needed as one means accelerate the ability of the brain. Communicate intellectual work can trigger optimal brain function. Rare intellectual ability to communicate will cause the brain to be less well trained.
10. Think hard when sick Working too hard or push for the use of mind when the pain can cause excessive fatigue on the brain and reduce the effectiveness of its work so that it can damage the brain.
The brain is also responsible for functions such as recognition, emotion. memory, motor learning and all other forms of learning. It is indeed a very complex task and many. So, avoid bad habits under 10 if you still want your brain to work properly.
1. No breakfast Those who traditionally do not eat breakfast have lower blood sugar levels. As a result supply of nutrients to the brain becomes less. The brain also needs "to eat" in order to work optimally.
2. Eat too much Too much to eat, let alone a high-fat, can lead to hardening of blood vessels in the brain because of accumulation of fat in the blood vessel wall. As a result the ability of the brain will decrease.
3. Smoke Toxic chemicals in cigarettes are inhaled, such as carbon monoxide, will hinder the ability of blood to carry oxygen throughout the body including the brain, causing rapid shrinkage of the brain. Nicotine also may reduce levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and raise levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in blood. Consequently, disrupted transport fat to clog blood vessels and block the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Smoking also can lead to Alzheimer's disease.
4. Consuming too much sugar Consumption of too much sugar can also cause disruption of the absorption of proteins and nutrients. As a result, nutritional imbalances that would interfere with brain development
5. Inhaling polluted air The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain so it can reduce the efficiency or power of the brain.
6. Sleep deprivation The brain needs sleep as a time to rest and recover her abilities. Lack of sleep for a long time will accelerate the damage to brain cells.
7. Head covered while sleeping The habit of sleeping with closed head can increase the concentration of carbon dioxide resulting in lower oxygen process that can lead to brain damaging effects.
8. Less stimulate the mind Thinking is the best way to train our brain. Lack of stimulation in the brain can reduce working capacity of nerve cells, causing brain mengkerutnya brain.
9. rarely communicates Communication is needed as one means accelerate the ability of the brain. Communicate intellectual work can trigger optimal brain function. Rare intellectual ability to communicate will cause the brain to be less well trained.
10. Think hard when sick Working too hard or push for the use of mind when the pain can cause excessive fatigue on the brain and reduce the effectiveness of its work so that it can damage the brain.
Monday, May 9, 2011
cracking sound
Many people consider the sound of creaking joints was associated with less favorable and believe the sound was caused by the bones that rub against each other. Actually cracking sound is not caused by the friction of bones, but by the gas between the joints.
Our joints contain something called synovial, which helps lubricate joints. Synovial fluid contains the gases oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. Research shows that when cracking a joint, you keep her bones, and the capsule surrounding the joint that was stretched. This causes the synovial fluid spraying from one side to the other books. Liquids that this move creates an empty space, which quickly filled with gas again. This rapid movement of gas that gave rise to the sound of pop. To return crack knuckle same time, you have to wait until the gas back into the synovial fluid. That is why, we can not menderakkan same knuckle twice turur quick succession.
Our joints contain something called synovial, which helps lubricate joints. Synovial fluid contains the gases oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. Research shows that when cracking a joint, you keep her bones, and the capsule surrounding the joint that was stretched. This causes the synovial fluid spraying from one side to the other books. Liquids that this move creates an empty space, which quickly filled with gas again. This rapid movement of gas that gave rise to the sound of pop. To return crack knuckle same time, you have to wait until the gas back into the synovial fluid. That is why, we can not menderakkan same knuckle twice turur quick succession.
how to save fuel on the motorcycle
1. Increasing the compression engine
One thing to remember the higher the compression the engine, fuel combustion in the engine combustion chamber and more perfect. If that happens then the amount of fuel required is also less and less. But this does not mean having to cut the piston cylinder head, but enough to reduce the thickness of the packing or using a piston with a higher dome.
2. Adjust valve
Another step that is not important is to regulate the valve position. One thing to remember, not to position the valve is too loose or too tight. Because when that happens will result in sluggish motor power.
How to measure the position of the valve which is fitted with attractive gas if with a little pull of power is enough to feel mean position of the valve has been fitted. With a position like that, then the intake of fuel required is also not too much. Because every time we pulled tight gas for motor racing, it was also running too much fuel.
3. Service carburetor or injector
Service is not just clean the gasoline nozzle or channel of debris. There should also reset the buoy position and air screw. This is important, the article of the carburetor is a device for supplying fuel into the engine combustion chamber.
When the buoy position is not correct, or carburetor dirty then the supply also faltered. Every time we pull in for gas in the motor-not faltered, at the same intake of aspirated fuel combustion chamber is also getting bigger.
Similarly, if the motor has been using injector devices as a means of carburetion fuel is sprayed into the combustion chamber. Set or reset the fuel pump, clean the device was. The more smoothly the fuel spray, the more efficient fuel consumption as well.
Not only that. The accuracy of the fuel intake of internal combustion engines also make it more perfect. With perfect combustion, the power generated is also more perfect. About the amount of power it varies.
4. Replace or clean spark plug
As is known, the spark plug is a device to ignite a fire or sparking a fire that is needed in the combustion process. When spark plugs fire imperfect or failed sprinkle with a good fire, there will be failed fuel.
Each time the spark occurred and failed to burn, that's when a lot of fuel burned in vain. As a result, the amount of fuel consumed even greater.
Because of that, we recommend cleaning the spark plugs on a regular basis and adjust the density between the axis of the spark plug with spark plug head (which is at the base of the spark plugs). When the spark plug is not feasible it should be replaced, it's better than the extravagant cost of fuel once every day.
5. Pay attention to the position of the brake canvas
Known Unnoticed and motorcycle owners, mechanics accidentally installing canvas with brakes that are too tightly with brake shoes. As a result, between two objects that seemed to stick or makes the motor in the braking position.
Due to such positions, then the energy required to drive motors are also getting bigger. Because the motor in the braking position, but the driver pulled the gas lever hard. As a result, the supply of fuel needed is also more and more machines, the motor becomes wasteful.
6. Change driving style
Without realizing the riders often menggeber bike in high speed and then suddenly the brakes on a drive alias in speed is not constant.
Did you know that menggeber motor braking and then immediately step on the gas makes the fuel intake will be higher?
Similarly, the habit of pulling the gas out loud repeatedly (sailed lay language.) It needs to be avoided, the article every time you pull the gas, at the same intake of fuel into the combustion chamber is also getting bigger. Another wrong way to avoid clutch slippage is often played.
Perform the pull of the gas is slowly and constantly when trying to increase the motor acceleration. Position the gear in the right position according to speed and engine speed when the motor runs.
Also avoid the use of accessory heavy weight and do not need or do not have important functions. Because, increasingly heavy burden of the motor power required to drive motors are also getting bigger. The greater the energy required means, the greater the fuel consumption.Simak
One thing to remember the higher the compression the engine, fuel combustion in the engine combustion chamber and more perfect. If that happens then the amount of fuel required is also less and less. But this does not mean having to cut the piston cylinder head, but enough to reduce the thickness of the packing or using a piston with a higher dome.
2. Adjust valve
Another step that is not important is to regulate the valve position. One thing to remember, not to position the valve is too loose or too tight. Because when that happens will result in sluggish motor power.
How to measure the position of the valve which is fitted with attractive gas if with a little pull of power is enough to feel mean position of the valve has been fitted. With a position like that, then the intake of fuel required is also not too much. Because every time we pulled tight gas for motor racing, it was also running too much fuel.
3. Service carburetor or injector
Service is not just clean the gasoline nozzle or channel of debris. There should also reset the buoy position and air screw. This is important, the article of the carburetor is a device for supplying fuel into the engine combustion chamber.
When the buoy position is not correct, or carburetor dirty then the supply also faltered. Every time we pull in for gas in the motor-not faltered, at the same intake of aspirated fuel combustion chamber is also getting bigger.
Similarly, if the motor has been using injector devices as a means of carburetion fuel is sprayed into the combustion chamber. Set or reset the fuel pump, clean the device was. The more smoothly the fuel spray, the more efficient fuel consumption as well.
Not only that. The accuracy of the fuel intake of internal combustion engines also make it more perfect. With perfect combustion, the power generated is also more perfect. About the amount of power it varies.
4. Replace or clean spark plug
As is known, the spark plug is a device to ignite a fire or sparking a fire that is needed in the combustion process. When spark plugs fire imperfect or failed sprinkle with a good fire, there will be failed fuel.
Each time the spark occurred and failed to burn, that's when a lot of fuel burned in vain. As a result, the amount of fuel consumed even greater.
Because of that, we recommend cleaning the spark plugs on a regular basis and adjust the density between the axis of the spark plug with spark plug head (which is at the base of the spark plugs). When the spark plug is not feasible it should be replaced, it's better than the extravagant cost of fuel once every day.
5. Pay attention to the position of the brake canvas
Known Unnoticed and motorcycle owners, mechanics accidentally installing canvas with brakes that are too tightly with brake shoes. As a result, between two objects that seemed to stick or makes the motor in the braking position.
Due to such positions, then the energy required to drive motors are also getting bigger. Because the motor in the braking position, but the driver pulled the gas lever hard. As a result, the supply of fuel needed is also more and more machines, the motor becomes wasteful.
6. Change driving style
Without realizing the riders often menggeber bike in high speed and then suddenly the brakes on a drive alias in speed is not constant.
Did you know that menggeber motor braking and then immediately step on the gas makes the fuel intake will be higher?
Similarly, the habit of pulling the gas out loud repeatedly (sailed lay language.) It needs to be avoided, the article every time you pull the gas, at the same intake of fuel into the combustion chamber is also getting bigger. Another wrong way to avoid clutch slippage is often played.
Perform the pull of the gas is slowly and constantly when trying to increase the motor acceleration. Position the gear in the right position according to speed and engine speed when the motor runs.
Also avoid the use of accessory heavy weight and do not need or do not have important functions. Because, increasingly heavy burden of the motor power required to drive motors are also getting bigger. The greater the energy required means, the greater the fuel consumption.Simak
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